
The recipe was pure rage bait – but the reaction was pure comedy

Comedian Tanara Mallory – @tanaradoublechocolate – makes funny content in a variety of ways, and shares it across her social media sites, but one frequent funny take is how she reacts to rage-bait recipe demos.

Here’s how she reacted to a (dangerous) pie.

There was also a recipe using a bag of boiled Cheetos. Really.

This recipe had some added – and very unwelcome – extras.

Dog spit as an ingredient. Yum.

Here’s how TikTok users reacted.

Amber Maerine addressed the elephant in the room.

There were these wise words, too.

Consider that very much our new policy.


The deliciously funny response to this weird spaghetti hoops recipe just gets better and better

Source @tanaradoublechocolate Image Screengrab