Watch the spectacular fail of this right-wing Christian nationalist trying to blow the shofar
In about three weeks, for Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year – the shofar will be blown in synagogues across the world.
The ceremonial instrument, usually made from a ram’s horn, dates back to biblical times and is associated with celebration – but not when it was co-opted by the ReAwaken America right-wing nationalist Christian event, held in Las Vegas.
The clip is quiet – but it’s loud enough to appreciate the spectacular fail of Amanda Grace, who last came to the public’s attention when she claimed technological mermaids and water people were spreading wickedness.
At the ‘Reawaken America’ event in Vegas today headlined by Eric Trump & Michael Flynn, they kick off festivities by attempting to call for the armor of God by blowing a Shofar, but it doesn’t go well. pic.twitter.com/zGq5SRPlPC
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 26, 2023
The use of the shofar is even more baffling and offensive when you consider that ReAwaken America, which claims Donald Trump was appointed leader by God, frequently shares anti-semitic dogwhistles and calls for America to unify under ‘Christianity’ and behind Trump.
Responses walked the tightrope between mockery and outright condemnation.
having a normal one https://t.co/tAQCueIk7l
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 27, 2023
Can’t believe that batshit ‘National Conservativism Conference’ didn’t even have a Shofar. Losers. https://t.co/ALTLhNeko0
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) August 27, 2023
Has ANYONE found the wormhole back to Normal World yet???
I can't take much more of this human stupidity.
It feels like we're in the movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". https://t.co/gj6cNMNSZH— Annie van Leur (@AnnevanLeur) August 26, 2023
Here’s what happens when an antisemitic traitor tries to blow a shofar in front of a room full of other antisemitic traitors @ADL
— Tara Dublin ((isn’t paying for this)) 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 (@taradublinrocks) August 26, 2023
These people have zero idea what Christianity actually is. https://t.co/3ZsOUtBIs9
— Gregory Baker 🕊 (@Gregory17528152) August 28, 2023
This is amazing in the worst way. https://t.co/Bymkh75g8U
— Kelly (@Kel_MoonFace) August 27, 2023
For a whole lot of reasons, this is actually kind of a perfect metaphor for their entire movement. https://t.co/hsmiDYFDCd
— Schrödinger's Sneetch Belly (@RTodKelly) August 26, 2023
God doesn’t want to hear it. He’s over their bullshit. https://t.co/cCKzgxQGp1
— Warren (@swd2) August 27, 2023
White nationalists in Vegas attempting to use an ancient Jewish instrument to call for Gods armor and no one there thinks this is at all corny? Odd? Blasphemous? https://t.co/YkwTMJbPtG
— Mary Beth Black (@MaryBlack19) August 26, 2023
“Reawaken America” huh? I thought they didn’t like “woke”. https://t.co/TboVfxX1Lh
— Don (@DonLikesIt) August 27, 2023
Shofar not sho good.
— Kurtis Seaboldt 🎤 (@KSeaboldt) August 27, 2023
Was that inside the Four Seasons Garden Center?
— Powerbeard (@thePowerbeard) August 26, 2023
We can relate to this.
I understand less that 50% of the sentence below. https://t.co/fkleHpYjt2
— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) August 28, 2023
Somebody had to say it.
They really blew it https://t.co/epxWJshQWB
— Scott Barber (@thescottbarber) August 28, 2023
Source Ron Filipkowski Image Screengrab